The MPO is charged with preparing numerous other planning documents including, but not limited to, the documents listed below. Completed plans can be accessed by clicking the name of the plan below. Plans that do not show an active link are currently “under construction”.
FY25 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)
FY24 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) – Amended September 2023
FY23 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)
Annual List of Obligated Projects
FY 2022 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) – Amended January 2022.
2020 Public Participation Plan (PPP) – A plan that outlines steps MPO staff will take to involve the public in the planning process.
Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Concept – A concept that looks at the existing bicycle and pedestrian network and the current level of use to provide a guide for addressing future bicycle and pedestrian needs, including education, accessibility, and safety.
Public Transit Plan – A Plan that outlines 1) the existing transit system, 2) short-term transit goals, and 3) long-term transit goals
Congestion Management Process – A process that sets out methods for tracking transportation-system performance and outlines congestion management best practices. Incorporated into the Long Range Transportation Plan.
Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Traffic Signal Concept of Operations – A plan that evaluates proposed adaptive and responsive traffic signal technology to enhance travel by increasing the efficiency and safety of the transportation infrastructure. (Executive Summary)
Freight Plan – A plan that identifies future freight movement needs for the planning area. Currently under construction.
Other Documents
Title VI Program – A program that outlines various measures taken by MPO staff to create an accessible and transparent transportation planning process that is inclusive of all citizens regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, or socioeconomic status.
Language Assistance Plan – A plan which ensures that individuals who speak English “less than very well” receive the language assistance necessary to participate in the ESMPO’s transportation planning process.
Planning and Development – The Eastern Shore Metropolitan Planning Organization began tracking residential building permits and the number of lots approved for preliminary and final plats in January of 2018. The data includes the subdivisions approved with 10 or more lots/units located within the Metropolitan Planning Area. The ESMPO is using this data to track developmental growth and implement transportation planning projects in these fast-growing areas. The data is entered into a quarterly spreadsheet for informational purposes and graphed to compare previous quarters’ data.
2024 Planning and Development Q3
2024 Planning and Development Q2
2024 Planning and Development Q1