Policy Board decisions are augmented by input from three (3) Advisory Committees: the Technical Advisory Committee, the Citizens Advisory Committee and the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee. Committee members serve at the pleasure of the Policy Board and provide informed and valuable input into Policy Board decisions. Committee inquiries, findings, and recommendations are conveyed to the Board by the MPO Coordinator or may be presented directly to the Board by the Committee Chairmen.
The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) provides technical support to the Policy Committee. TAC members are non-elected officials, typically city and county department heads, professional staff supporting local government operations, community leaders such as Chamber of Commerce presidents/CEOs, school superintendents, police chiefs, and hospital administrators. Based on their affiliation, they may have a hand in developing transportation infrastructure or operating transportation dependent businesses. The chair of the TAC is a non-voting member of the Policy Board.
The Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) provides input as part of the public involvement process. Usually, CAC members are active members within their respective communities, including interest in transportation projects and infrastructure concerns in general. MPO member local governments are charged with encouraging their citizens to be active in MPO transportation activities in their respective areas and to participate in the planning process through membership on the committee. The chair of the CAC is a non-voting member of the Policy Board.
The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) provides input and recommendations to the Policy Board, CAC, and TAC regarding bicycle and pedestrian issues. BPAC members are leaders and members of the community who are knowledgeable and passionate regarding bicycle and pedestrian issues. Members provide insight and perspective on potential bicycle and pedestrian projects and programs within MPO planning area.